Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Work later tonight plus, wacko dream...

Good morning, or should I say good afternoon. I woke up about an hour ago (11:40am) because mum woke me up. We were meant to be going to yum cha like I previously mentioned but my brother (Kevin) told mum that he is too lazy to go - I found myself being lazy also and stayed in bed. Mum said if we weren't going then there's no point in her going either.

My dad's starting to get on my last nerves again, it's always when he's staying home - Telling Kevin and I what to do (especially his gardens), he told me to wake up but I didn't want to. He yelled @me saying that I never do anything for him >_>" rofl, I don't care ><" It's holiday!!! I think I have the right to stay in bed and sleep til whenever right? I haven't been doing much, I had to wake up & look after my baby brother. He was just watching Ben10 videos on youtube - we're capped as well so the internet was heaps slow so the video took ages to load! Tuan's mum just came back from Vietnam :) She bought me some things, how nice of her! Anyhoo, I have work later tonight - from 4pm to 8pm. Gay, I wonder who's managing tonight? Oh well @ least I don't have to close tonight, I hate that. I'm kind of hungry, I had 4 bites off of my mum's kebab, it wasn't very nice cos there were onions and tomatoes in it, eugh! Okay, now I'm just sitting here chatting to Tuan. He's waiting for me to finish this blog so he could read it :)

The Dream

I had the most wacko dream this morning. I don't remember how it started but I do remember that it was mum, Kevin, Jason (my baby brother) and I starring in the "dream" Haha, well first we were all in mum's bedroom. There were men outside shooting bows - poisonous ones! They were shooting like a gazillions of bows and they were all really sharp and pointy. None of us got hurt, well none of us besides me. One of the bows pierced right into my back and it was aching HARDCORE! I was basically shitting myself and I had to tell Kevin to yank it out. It was painful - even in dreams.

Awhile later... yes they were still shooting their homo bows. The window broke so there was a massive whole where the "enemies" could easily shoot their bows through. Our house was finally invaded by them. We were all trying to hide but they caught us. I remember mum holding a grey gun. I grabbed it off her and tried to find the "leader" of the gang and tried to shoot him. I eventually found him and I shot him - YAY! .......not. The bullets were weak as hell, the bullets just bounced off his dark skin. He shot me back too, his bullets were weak also, which I thought was pretty funny. The man ran up to me and made me kiss him or else he'd shoot me. So I had to kiss him (he was a really slobby kisser). He then tried to make me do something else but I don't remember.

Nothing happened next, because mum woke me up -.-' I'd say the dream was pretty hilarious. Lol, okay I'm done for now. See ya soon..

Status: http://www.emocutez.com

Happy Holidays - rip Michael Jackson (F)


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